We support most Enterprise Identity Providers, including: 

Before getting started, you must have an Enterprise account

You can create multiple teams, but only ONE team can be connected to an identity provider. 

If you need more than one team connected to an IDP please let us know and this can be provisioned 

If you do not have access to both teams and to the domain settings within the teams dashboard, please contact support to discuss your needs. 

  • Click - Your Settings
  • Teams
  • Name your Team
  • Click Create

Modify your Team Settings

Set up your team SSO by entering your domain name, and then clicking on the setup page. 

Once you are on the setup page, you will be given specific instructions of configuring your Identity Provider. This process should take about 5 minutes. 

After SSO Validation

Add team members to the team by inviting them by email address. 

Adding Domains to Teams

Edit the domain in the domain details screen. 

Viewing Domain to Team Mapping

The domain overview screen will display the mapping between the domain and the team. 

A domain can only be added to one team.