Configuring MX Records for DuoCircle Email Backup Service


This article guides users through the process of updating DNS MX records to activate DuoCircle's email backup service. Proper MX configuration ensures smooth email delivery and protection against spam.


By the end of this article, you will be able to successfully update your domain’s MX records to activate DuoCircle's email backup and spam filtering services.


Welcome to DuoCircle! Your DuoCircle account with the email backup solution has been created, and you're just one step away from securing your domain with email backup and spam protection. This guide will help you complete the setup by updating your DNS MX records, ensuring your emails flow through the DuoCircle system.


  • Access to your domain’s DNS settings (via your domain registrar, hosting provider, or ISP).
  • Basic understanding of DNS records or assistance from your provider to make changes.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Understand the Need for MX Records Change: To activate DuoCircle's service, you need to update your domain’s MX (Mail Exchanger) records. This directs your domain's email traffic through DuoCircle servers for backup and filtering.
  2. View Your Current MX Records: Check your current MX records by visiting this guide on updating MX records. Your current MX records might look like this:
    MX 1
    MX 2
    MX 100
  3. Update Your MX Records: Change your MX records to the following format:
    MX 10
    MX 20  (or your custom MX record)
    MX 30
    MX 40
    MX 50
    Replace with the hostname or IP address of your mail server.

    IMPORTANT: The MX priorities (the numbers) must be entered exactly as shown.
    DuoCircle MX records should have higher priority numbers than your mail server’s MX records.

    Note: Incorrect MX records can cause emails to bounce or disappear.
    If you're unsure, consult your hosting provider.

  4. Save Your Changes: Once you’ve made these changes in your DNS settings, save the configuration.
    Changes may take up to 48 hours to propagate across the Internet.
  5. Activate DuoCircle Email Filtering: After the DNS changes are saved, DuoCircle’s email spam filters will activate, reducing spam almost immediately. Full filtering should be in effect within two days.
  6. Setting a Destination Server for MX Backup: You typically do NOT need to set a destination mail server for MX Backup. If you define one, it will take precedence over your primary MX record. Learn more in this article: Why does my MX Backup Service have a destination server option?.
  7. Optional: Restrict Email Delivery to DuoCircle Servers (Advanced): After the DNS change propagates, advanced users can configure their email server to only accept emails from DuoCircle servers, preventing "transient spam." This ensures better spam protection.


Congratulations! You've successfully configured your MX records to route email through DuoCircle’s backup and filtering service. With the DNS changes applied, you’ll enjoy enhanced spam protection and email reliability. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, please contact us or email us at

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